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ABB introduced the Artificial Intelligence service

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
24 January 2024 10:17
ABB introduced the Artificial Intelligence service

Constantly improving customer experiences, ABB introduced ABB Artificial Intelligence service to further enhance customer relationships. In addition to the Bank's existing communication channels, ABB Artificial Intelligence instantly answers questions about products and services.

ABB Artificial Intelligence accepts user requests in the ABB mobile application, clarifies issues of interest to them, and provides assistance to customers.

This solution is developed on the basis of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GPT-4) technology. As it is currently in Beta, the ABB Artificial Intelligence service is currently only available to some users. Gradually, all users will be able to benefit from it.

At this stage, ABB Artificial Intelligence is provided to prepare and present answers to possible questions. The system is integrated into the services of Open AI. Questions from customers and answers to these questions will be regularly analyzed, based on which ABB Artificial Intelligence will be further improved, and the accuracy of its answers will gradually increase.

At this stage, ABB Artificial Intelligence's answers to some questions may not be fully detailed. In such cases, for more accurate information, clients are recommended to contact the Bank's chatbot service, ABB Bot, or the Bank's Information Center. Since ABB Artificial Intelligence does not have access to customers' personal banking information, the service does not respond to questions about this information.

ABB Artificial Intelligence service is currently available in Azerbaijani language, soon it will be available in other languages as well. This service is currently active for iOS users, and will be gradually rolled out to all users of the application.

Information about ABB's modern, useful and universal products and services can be obtained from the Bank's branches and departments, the official website, the ABB mobile application or the Information Center number 937, as well as corporate pages on social networks .

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