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An information system on renewable energy sources will be created

Nail Valiyev
02 October 2023 15:44
An information system on renewable energy sources will be created

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the "Regulation of information system on renewable energy sources".

Techaz media reports that according to the decision, the Ministry of Energy:

- Together with the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, take necessary measures to organize, maintain and ensure the efficient use of the "Information System on Renewable Energy Sources" (BOEMIS);

- together with the Special Communication and Information Security State Service, must take necessary measures to ensure the security of BOEMIS;

- In order to integrate BOEMIS into the Electronic Government Information System, it should take necessary measures together with the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Azerbaijan Reclamation and Water Management Open Joint-Stock Company, "Azerenerji" Open Joint-Stock Company and "Azerishiq" Open Joint-Stock Company under the supervision of the Azerbaijan State Water Resources Agency in order to ensure that the provided information is obtained through the Electronic Government Information System they must regularly ensure that those data are entered (transmitted) into BOEMIS and report this to the Cabinet of Ministers once a year.

This Regulation defines the legal, organizational and technological bases of the formation, operation and integration of the information system on renewable energy sources (BOEMIS) with the information systems and resources of other state bodies (institutions) through the Electronic Government Information System (EHIS). along with other information related to energy sources, each plant producing electricity from renewable energy sources and their total power, production, the volume of natural gas saved as a result of production and the amount of revenue obtained from the sale of carbon dioxide quota for saved fuel ensures the submission of quarterly and annual data, and an atlas of renewable energy sources is created as part of BOEMİS. The information created, obtained and collected in BOEMIS is the property of the Republic of Azerbaijan. There is no charge for obtaining the provided information through BOEMIS.

The structure of BOEMIS consists of the following modules:

- "atlas" module;

- "users" module;

- "data" module;

- "analysis and reporting" module;

- "instruction" module.

The following are provided through the modules included in the structure of BOEMİS:

- through the "atlas" module, based on the initial assessment, the land areas (water bodies) that can be used for the potential of renewable energy sources, the potential of each of them as a renewable energy source, the limits and other characteristics of their borders, and the input of current information, for checking the entered data sending and confirming;

- creation of user accounts in the system through the "users" module, linking of user accounts with the information systems of state bodies (institutions), determination of authority on the user account and management of other related operations;

- management of the following quarterly and annual data on each station producing electricity from renewable energy sources and their total, along with other information related to renewable energy sources through the "data" module:

- the capacity of the station provided for in the project;

- volume of electricity produced at the station during the reporting period;

- the amount of natural gas saved throughout the country as a result of the production of the station during the reporting period;

- the amount of income obtained from the sale of carbon dioxide quota due to saved fuel;

- generalized analysis of data obtained from several sources through the "analysis and report" module, receiving reports according to various parameters;

- Presentation of guidance and methodological information (including through mini-webinar and video trainings) to improve the efficiency of accountability and data collection processes for users through the "guidance" module.

The data entered into BOEMİS, as well as transferred to BOEMİS through EHİS, are as follows:

- national spatial data on the territories of renewable energy sources of state land, water, forest and other cadastres;

- national spatial data on the transmission and distribution electricity network located near the areas of renewable energy sources;

- information on the capacity of each station that produces electricity from renewable energy sources, provided in the project;

- information on the volume of electricity produced quarterly and annually for each station producing electricity from renewable energy sources and their total;


- data on the volume of natural gas saved across the country as a result of quarterly and annual production of each station producing electricity from renewable energy sources and their total;

- information on the amount of income obtained from the sale of carbon dioxide quota for saved fuel.

When state bodies (institutions) have information systems and resources, after those information systems and resources are integrated into BOEMIS through EHIS, they transfer the information (documents) they have formed about renewable energy sources to BOEMIS in real time. Integration of BOEMIS with other state information systems and resources, organization of information exchange is carried out in accordance with the Regulations. If it is not possible to exchange information between BOEMIS and other state information systems and resources in real time, data (documents) are entered into BOEMIS through the integration window.

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