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Azerbaijan will export domestic cyber security products abroad

Səbinə Eyvazova
22 September 2023 13:07
Azerbaijan will export domestic cyber security products abroad

"Works related to the training of local specialists and the transformation of cyber security into a culture in Azerbaijan are being carried out."

Shahin Aliyev, adviser to the chairman of the Innovation and Digital Development Agency (IRIA), who participated in the International Cyber Security Days Conference, said this to journalists.

He noted that local products are made with the support of young people educated at the Azerbaijan Cyber Security Center:

"As stated in the strategy, the development of local products should be encouraged. In this regard, local products are prepared with the support of young people educated at the Azerbaijan Cyber Security Center. In the coming years, we will see its application in various companies and organizations in the country. Later, we will export these products abroad."

Sh. Aliyev added that here we are talking about the creation of products and software based on cyber security.

According to him, the issue is still at the initial stage.


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