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Azərbaycan və İsrail arasında innovasiya əməkdaşlığı güclənir

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
24 January 2025 13:52
Azərbaycan və İsrail arasında innovasiya əməkdaşlığı güclənir

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Innovation and Digital Development Agency (IDIA) and the Israeli corporation “Israel Aerospace Industries” (IAI), which envisages expanding economic, industrial, scientific and technological cooperation in the field of innovation. The memorandum covers the establishment of a Center of Excellence in our country to study innovation and best practices, conducting training programs, developing human capital, and other important initiatives.

Touching on the importance of the memorandum, IDIA Chairman Farid Osmanov said that the organization is determined to deepen cooperation with the Israeli technology company in the field of innovation: “We aim to bring their best practices to Azerbaijan by cooperating with Israeli academic and technological organizations and promote knowledge exchange. Among the initial initiatives will be the development of human capital and the creation of innovative solutions with Azercosmos. We will pay special attention to the directions of artificial intelligence, quantum, sustainable space and energy technology.”

Eitan Eshel, Chief Technology Officer of the “Israel Aerospace Industries” corporation, said that the establishment of the Center of Excellence indicates the existence of deep cooperation in the technological field between the Azerbaijani and Israeli companies. According to him, with this agreement, both countries gain real opportunities to take their innovative and technological potential to a new level, including in developing strong human capital in the field.

Within the framework of the cooperation, it is planned to hold a number of joint events, seminars, forums, and training programs for the purpose of exchanging experience. It should be noted that during COP29, a panel session with the Israel Aerospace Industries corporation was held at the event “Digital Green Horizons: Integrating Government and Technological Solutions for a Sustainable Future” organized by the initiative of IRIA, and the groundwork was laid for continued cooperation.

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