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AzInTelecom participates as a "Golden Sponsor" at CIDC-2023

Nail Valiyev
01 November 2023 10:23
AzInTelecom participates as a "Golden Sponsor" at CIDC-2023

Operating under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, AzInTelecom LLC is participating as a “Golden Sponsor” with a stand at the “Critical Infrastructure Defense Challenge” (CIDC-2023) event that started today.

CIDC-2023, which will last two days, is held at the Baku Congress Center under the joint organization of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security, the State Security Service and the Computer Emergency Response Center.

Within the framework of the event, presentations and panel discussions on information security issues will be organized. At the same time, the final of the “Cyber War” competition will be held with B2B-format meetings and simulation of cyber attacks.

In the framework of the event, a Cybersecurity Solutions exhibition is also presented. At the AzInTelecom stand participants receive information about the company's services and products. Several of AzInTelecom's digital products will be practically demonstrated to guests visiting the stand. Additionally, engaging quizzes will take place, with prizes awarded to outstanding participants.

Those interested in cloud services, SİMA Digital Solutions Platform, centralized information systems and information security services can visit the stand of AzInTelecom LLC and receive detailed information.

AzInTelecom LLC offers information security services to government agencies and private companies to protect information resources from risks associated with cybercrime and take preventive measures.

AzInTelecom clients can benefit from the auditing and consulting services of information security, cybersecurity and the Security Operations Center (SOC as Service).

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