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Nokia and Baktelecom deploy commercial XGS-PON services in Azerbaijan

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
24 May 2024 14:00
Nokia and Baktelecom deploy commercial XGS-PON services in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan's state operator "Baku Telefon Rabitesi" LLC (Baktelecom) has started cooperation with Nokia, a global company in the field of telecommunication technologies, to introduce the country's commercially oriented XGS-PON (10G PON) service.

within the framework of cooperation, the construction of the network for providing broadband and high-speed internet services to households and business entities through the XGS-PON solution has been started since March of this year.

Baktelecom, which prioritizes focusing on the customer in technological innovations, created a technical infrastructure in a laboratory environment in June of last year. For the application of the project, the tests performed on different models of mobile devices and laptops at different frequencies and channel widths were successful and a speed of 1 Gbit/s was achieved.

"Baktelecom" aims to formulate and present to the market tariffs for speeds up to 1 Gbit/s at the initial stage using Nokia's XGS-PON fiber-optic infrastructure. Thus, Nokia's 25G PON solution equipped with the Quillion chipset works together with GPON and XGS-PON over the same fiber-optic cable. This allows Baktelecom to use its existing fiber network to provide services at 10 Gbit/s and higher speeds in the future.

Tural Pirverdiyev, acting CEO of "Baktelecom" LLC, emphasized that the improvement of service standards is always a priority and said: "As part of the digital transformation process taking place in our country, within the scope of our work to provide services to our customers at a higher speed in the future, Nokia's XGS- With the PON solution, we are fulfilling our promise to improve the quality of life of our valued customers and provide high-speed connectivity from a commercial point of view."

Bjorn Capens, Vice President of Broadband Networks Infrastructure of Nokia's European office, noted that Baktelecom can flexibly respond to the growing broadband internet demands of its customers to provide new services and applications that require reliable, high-speed connectivity with a fixed network solution. .

"Baktelecom's network will be stable, and this will give an opportunity to upgrade it to 25G PON in the future using the existing fiber network," he stressed.

It should be noted that "Baktelecom" is one of the main partners of the "Online Azerbaijan" project implemented by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport. In total, around 2.29 million households across the country have access to broadband Internet. This makes up 78 percent of households and business entities in the country.

Since 2021, when the implementation of the project began, the coverage of broadband Internet in Baku has expanded 5 times, and about 0.99 million households and business subjects have been provided with access to broadband Internet. This is 90.2 percent of the existing household and business entities in the capital. The works are planned to be completed by the end of 2024.

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