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The average monthly salary in the ICT sector of Azerbaijan has increased by 13%

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
16 September 2024 10:59
The average monthly salary in the ICT sector of Azerbaijan has increased by 13%

In January-July of this year, the average monthly nominal salary in the information and communication sector (ICT) in Azerbaijan was 1,704 manats.

According to the State Statistics Committee, this indicator was 1,496 manats in the state sector, and 1,855 manats in the private sector.

Compared to the same period last year, the average monthly nominal salary in the ICT sector increased by 12.5%, including by 16.3% in the public sector, and by 9.7% in the private sector.

As of August 1, the number of salaried workers in the ICT sector in Azerbaijan was 33.7 thousand people, which is 3.7% more than a year ago.

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