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The number of users of SIMA Imza electronic signature has exceeded 1 million

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
29 March 2024 15:14
The number of users of SIMA Imza electronic signature has exceeded 1 million

The number of users of SIMA Imza electronic signature has exceeded 1 million. The Minister of Digital Development and Transport Rashad Nabiyev shared this information on his X account. "SIMA Imza mobile application, one of the important projects accelerating the digital transformation of our country, has exceeded 1 million users," I shared. "I congratulate the team behind SIMA Imza and wish them new achievements." words were recorded.

With "SIMA Imza", dependence on service centers for obtaining an electronic signature has been stopped. With this, every citizen of Azerbaijan who lives anywhere in the world and has access to the Internet, foreigners living in Azerbaijan on legal grounds, and citizens who are self-employed can benefit from electronic services from wherever they are. This opportunity encourages the improvement of citizen satisfaction, the further activation of the role of individuals in the concept of digital government, and the further simplification of the activities of individual business entities. It is observed that the digital signature, which increases accessibility to digital services, accelerates business processes in our country.

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