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Azerbaijan advanced 4 places in the Global Innovation Index

Nail Valiyev
28 September 2023 22:11
Azerbaijan advanced 4 places in the Global Innovation Index

According to the joint information of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Intellectual Property Agency, media reports that Azerbaijan has advanced 4 places in the Global Innovation Index.

As last year, the 16th joint edition of the Cornell University (USA), INSEAD Business School (France) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) covering 132 countries – 2023 Global Innovation Index (GII) presentation at WIPO has been done. QII has been published since 2007.

The current year's GDP rating was compiled on the basis of 81 indicators covering the potential, efficiency and framework conditions of innovation activity. The analyzed indicators range from legislation, science and education to market, business, infrastructure, etc. contains a wide range of information up to the development of issues. The main purpose of publishing the GPI is to enable the evaluation of the efficiency of the mechanisms of innovation activity of the countries.

The GPI-2023 rating consists of 7 groups of indicators included in two summative innovation activity sub-indices - "innovation resources" and "innovation results".

"Innovative resources" sub-index: 1- institutions; 2 - human capital and science; 3 - infrastructure; 4 - internal market development and 5 - business development, dividing into five groups, allows to assess the elements of the national economy where innovation processes take place.

"Innovative results" sub-index: 6 - dissemination of knowledge and technologies and 7 - results of creative activity, divided into two groups, reflect the actual results of innovation activity.

The leader of the 2023 GDP is Switzerland, followed by Sweden, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Singapore. The top ten most innovative countries also include the Netherlands, Korea, Germany, Finland and Denmark. China, taking the 12th place in the ranking, entered the second ten countries.

Among the countries of the post-Soviet space, the best indicators are in Estonia - 16th place, Lithuania - 34th place and Latvia - 47th place. Russia is in 51st place.

Azerbaijan ranked 89th in the 2023 ranking, improving its indicators by four places compared to 2022. At the same time, it should be noted that if last year Azerbaijan was in the group of countries with comparative indicators starting from the 90th place, in 2023 - it will be in the group of countries starting from the 85th place.

In 2023, Azerbaijan's "innovation resources" sub-index has improved by three places and is in 76th place. According to the "Innovative resources" sub-index, Azerbaijan ranks ahead of Ukraine (78), Moldova (81), Armenia (83), Belarus (88), Kyrgyzstan (94), Tajikistan (109) in the post-Soviet countries. However, the country's "innovation results" sub-index is 28 points lower (back) than the "innovation resources" sub-index.

As Azerbaijan's strong points, the developers-experts of the CPI point out the block of institutions, which reflects the role of state administration bodies. The institutes block occupies the high 42nd place.

In the institutions block, Azerbaijan is ahead of Uzbekistan (55), Kazakhstan (61), Armenia (69), Tajikistan (90), Moldova (96), Ukraine (100), Russia (110), Kyrgyzstan (122), Belarus (128) among post-Soviet states. . In this block, it is necessary to mention the "institutional environment" direction - 54th place (in 2022 - 53rd place), as well as the "government efficiency" indicator, which improved by 23 points compared to last year - 58th place. In this block - "business environment" - 17th and "business conduct policy" - 22nd indicators occupy high places.

Human capital and science block CIS countries are ahead of Uzbekistan (89), Armenia (92) and Tajikistan (99) and occupy the 87th place in the ranking. In the "Human capital and science" block, Azerbaijan ranked 76th on the Education integral indicator, which is 16 places better than last year. In this field, Azerbaijan is ahead of Uzbekistan (78), Tajikistan (90), Armenia (93) within the CIS.

The high places in this block are occupied by the indicators "student-teacher ratio" - 17th, "state investment in students" - 28th, "researchers", 44th place, "graduates in the field of science and technology", 47th place. . The integral indicator for "Research and development" improved its position, rising from the 76th place in 2022 to the 73rd place in 2023.

In the infrastructure block, compared to last year (71), the "electricity production" indicator improved by 4 places - 67th place.

Information on a significant part of the indicators for the Internal Market Development block was not reflected in the rating.

The business development bloc ranked 64th ahead of the following post-Soviet countries: Belarus (74), Kazakhstan (75), Uzbekistan (78), Armenia (94), Moldova (101), Tajikistan (110), Kyrgyzstan (114). .

In the Business Development block, the indicators "Cooperation between universities and industry in the field of scientific-research and experimental-constructive works" - 25th place, "Cluster development" - 28th place" - indicators occupy high places.

"Employed women with a scientific degree", 55th place, (57), "business research and development financing", 57th place, "mental activity workers" indicator, 62nd place (65) indicators have increased. In this block, "innovation relations" Azerbaijan took the 48th place and compared to last year (56th place), the rating improved by 8 places.

The sub-index "Innovation results" is an important result index. If the "resources of innovation" sub-index reflects the level of affordability for innovation, the sub-index "innovation results" reflects achievements in this area. The higher this sub-index is, the more innovative opportunities are fully and rationally used.

Intellectual property indicators such as inventions - 63rd place, 71st place last year, PCT patents - 87th place (91) and utility models - 49th place (49) in the block of knowledge and technology results are relatively high. In the "Impact of Knowledge" direction, the "increase in labor productivity" indicator has improved by 20 places - the 62nd place (82), and the 48th place is occupied by the "evaluation of startups" indicator.

The "trademarks" intellectual property indicator in the direction of "intangible assets" of the "results of creative activity" block took 66th place and improved its position by 14 points compared to last year. (85), Belarus (88), Tajikistan (104), Kyrgyzstan (102).

At the same time, it should be noted that both sub-indices, "innovation resources" and "innovation results", covering the whole set of indicators of the rating, are very important. "Innovation results" and "innovation resources" sub-indices are interrelated, because innovative results can be obtained by investing material, financial, intellectual, organizational resources. Azerbaijan has created modern institutions, develops human capital, scientific and educational potential, implements efficient business models, actively develops the ICT sector, that is, invests important resources in the development of the country, which should have expected contributions in the form of results.

This is a reserve for improving the GDP. As the developer-experts of the NRI noted, "Azerbaijan shows higher indicators than its results compared to investing in innovations."

Another requirement for improving the GDP rating is the timely and complete provision of the data (country indicators) reflected in the report to the developers of the rating.

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