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Google upsets Nvidia by introducing its new chip

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
10 December 2024 11:27
Google upsets Nvidia by introducing its new chip

Google Unveils New Quantum Chip, Called "Willow": A Major Breakthrough in Quantum Computing

Today, Google Quantum AI unveiled its latest quantum chip, Willow. The new chip features two major breakthroughs in quantum computing:

Exponential error reduction: Willow exponentially reduces errors by increasing the number of qubits used. This solves one of the major problems of the past 30 years in quantum error correction.

Superior computing power: Willow has surpassed the power limits of traditional supercomputers, completing a standard calculation in just 5 minutes. However, one of the fastest supercomputers today can complete this task in 10 septillion (10²⁵) seconds. This number is many times the age of the Universe.

Exponential error reduction: A turning point in quantum computing

Because quantum computers share information with their environment so quickly, errors are a major problem. But Willow achieved a historic feat by halving the error rate at each stage during tests on 3x3, 5x5, and 7x7 qubit networks. This is consistent with an important quantum error correction principle known as “being below the limit.”

Willow is also one of the first chips to achieve real-time error correction in a quantum system, which is critical for successful computations.

Completed 10 septillion years of calculations in 5 minutes

Willow proved its superiority over modern supercomputers using a standard measure called Random Circuit Sampling (RCS). This test shows whether quantum computers are superior to traditional computers. Willow completed this computational task in 5 minutes, while traditional supercomputers could do it in about 10 septillion years. This indicator shows that quantum computers are developing faster and faster.

Features of the new chip

Willow was manufactured in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Santa Barbara, California. The chip is equipped with 105 high-quality qubits and has the best performance in quantum error correction, as well as RCS indicators.

These achievements in the field of quantum computing allow Google to move towards the creation of quantum algorithms that can be applied in the real world. The company expects that in the coming years, quantum computing will find a wide range of applications, from designing energy batteries to discovering new drugs.

Looking ahead

Google Quantum AI hopes that the Willow chip will perform the first "useful quantum computation" that can be used for real-world solutions. The company also emphasizes that quantum computers will be an effective tool for artificial intelligence, as quantum algorithms can speed up some complex tasks.

The Willow chip opens a new era of quantum technologies and promises that quantum computing will bring wide benefits to society in the future.

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