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Selçuk Bayraktar is developing a competitor to ChatGPT

Nail Valiyev
10 December 2023 14:16
Selçuk Bayraktar is developing a competitor to ChatGPT

Speaking at the TakeOff Summit held in Turkey, Selçuk Bayraktar said this in his speech. He said that he has developed a new artificial intelligence chatbot based on the Turkish language model. The project started under the supervision of the T3 foundation is already producing successful results. Speaking about this, S. Bayraktar said that he was surprised by the results.

About Artificial Intelligence "Artificial intelligence is an invention that transforms and advances our lives, like the steam engine or the sewing machine. "What we call artificial intelligence is like a complex sewing machine with many wheels turning in the background, it is not a thing with its own consciousness or beliefs." said.

Saying that they are considering naming the project T3 Family, Bayraktar said that the model they have developed will be useful for specific applications such as engineering, medicine and law.

It should be noted that S. Bayraktar is very sensitive to the security issues of other platforms. He started using Signal after Whatsapp announced that it would share data. Also, after the Canadian company Bayraktar stopped selling cameras for drones, it started buying cameras from local Turkish maracas.

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