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The Ekşi Sözlük block has been canceled in Turkey

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
22 January 2024 22:05
The Ekşi Sözlük block has been canceled in Turkey

On February 21, 2023, access to Turkey's leading social platform Ekşi Sözlük was blocked by the ICT (Information Technologies and Communication Authority) decision. On March 2, 2023, it was decided to remove the access block to Ekşi Sözlük, and the platform announced that it had contacted the authorities to implement the decision.
Later, access to Ekşi Sözlük was closed again. The 5th Criminal Court of the Peace, which investigated the objection to the removal of the ban on access to Ekşi Sözlük by the 4th Criminal Court of the Ankara, approved the objection and finalized the block of access to the Ekşi Sözlük.
Since then, the platform has been experimenting with different methods of access. Most importantly, the platform was changing the domain name. That is, not, but other domains. Finally, the access block of Ekşi Sözlük, which serves with the domain, has already been completely removed. Now it is possible to access the platform through as before.

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