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The number of bank cards in Azerbaijan reaches 16 million

Nail Valiyev
26 September 2023 12:34
The number of bank cards in Azerbaijan reaches 16 million reports with reference to the Central Bank that at the end of August, the number of payment cards in circulation in the systems of Banks and "Azerpocht" LLC increased by 323,000 compared to the previous month and amounted to 15,669,000.

This indicator has increased by 20.2% compared to the corresponding period of last year. The increase in payment cards was 20% for debit cards and 21.4% for credit cards. Compared to the corresponding period of last year, the number of salary cards is 65 thousand, credit cards are 362 thousand, and other cards are 2.1 million. number has increased.

It was reported that the increase of payment cards had a positive effect on the volume of non-cash payments. Thus, the volume of non-cash transactions within the country has increased by 2 times compared to the corresponding period of last year. In August 2023, the volume of domestic non-cash payments made through cards was 4,509 mln. formed manat. 3,596 million of non-cash payments. AZN is the share of electronic commerce. 905 million of the remaining amount. AZN POS terminals, 7 mln. and AZN was realized through self-service terminals. From the beginning of the year, the volume of non-cash domestic transactions with payment cards made up 54% of domestic card transactions. A dynamic growth is observed in payment service networks of banks and "Azerpocht" LLC. Thus, compared to the end of August last year, the number of ATMs increased by 2.6%, and the number of POS-terminals increased by 12.1%.

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