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IT leaders of Turkey were invited to open an office in Baku

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
25 October 2023 10:33
IT leaders of Turkey were invited to open an office in Baku

Azerbaijani delegation participated in "Turkish Software Leaders Meeting" held today in Istanbul. Azerbaijan was represented at the event by Innovation and Digital Development Agency. During the event, information was provided about the "relocation" program launched by the Republic of Azerbaijan for citizens of foreign countries.

Loukas Tzitzis, Head of International Business Development of IRIA, spoke at the event. In his speech, he shared details about the "relocation" program. He also invited the leaders of Turkey's IT sector to Baku. Vurgun Hajiyev, head of the Strategic Planning Department of IRIA, met with various companies in the delegation.

IT companies are expected to open offices in Baku after the event.
The event was held by the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan. Aytan Heydarkhanli, the Deputy Chairman of the Management Commission, spoke about the support provided in Azerbaijan and the opportunities of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan.

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