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"Baktelecom" is fined up to 4 thousand manats

Nail Valiyev
06 December 2023 11:53
"Baktelecom" is fined up to 4 thousand manats

A fine protocol was written to "Baku Telefon Rabitesi" LLC. informs that about the company, Article 354.0.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (non-observance of the conditions of consent given for carrying out geological, prospecting, reclamation works, laying communication and electric lines, other communications, and carrying out relevant works on the land areas of highways) an administrative protocol has been drawn up.

The protocol will be considered in the Binagadi District Court under the chairmanship of judge Abbas Rzayev.

The time of the preparatory session of the court has not yet been announced.

According to that article of the Criminal Code, natural persons are fined from eighty to one hundred manats, officials from four hundred to five hundred manats, and legal entities from three thousand to four thousand manats.


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