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The biggest phishing in history: $25 million was stolen from a Hong Kong company

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
06 February 2024 18:32
The biggest phishing in history: $25 million was stolen from a Hong Kong company

An employee of an international company in Hong Kong was a victim of phishing. This crime cost the company 25 million dollars.
An employee of a Hong Kong-based company received an email from the company's chief financial officer (CFO). At first, he suspected phishing, because confidential financial processes were written in the mail. Later, the employee who joined the video call got rid of his doubts. Because the people speaking in the video are his colleagues.
After the call, he agreed to pay 200 million Hong Kong dollars. As a result, all the money went into the hands of criminals.
This process took place with the help of Deepfake technology.
The fraud involving the fake CFO was only discovered when the employee later conducted an audit at the corporation's head office. The financial officer followed the instructions of his fraudulent colleagues, eventually transferring HKD 200 million, the equivalent of US$25.6 million, to five different bank accounts in 15 transactions.

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