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Google Chrome will delete all information about Anonymous users

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
02 April 2024 11:04
Google Chrome will delete all information about Anonymous users

In response to a class-action lawsuit filed in 2020, Google agreed to destroy "billions" of data records about the online activities of users of its "incognito" Chrome browser.

The plaintiffs accused the company of illegally tracking the personal information of people using the Chrome browser's incognito mode. According to the plaintiffs, Google collected data without users' knowledge and became a "mine of information" about the personal lives, interests and habits of millions of people.

In response to the lawsuit, Google has committed to updating its privacy data collection information and providing users with the ability to block third-party cookies for five years.

Google spokesman Jose Castaneda expressed his satisfaction with the resolution of the situation, stressing that the company does not associate the data collected when using the private browsing mode with specific users. Although the $5 billion lawsuit is not settled as part of the settlement, users have the right to file individual lawsuits against the company.

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