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China will produce advanced humanoid robots by 2025

Nail Valiyev
03 November 2023 10:41
China will produce advanced humanoid robots by 2025

China is preparing to open a new field in its competition with the United States.

China is making significant strides in the race to produce advanced humanoid robots by 2025. To achieve this goal, the country will support more young companies, define industry standards and increase international cooperation. Chinese robot companies participating in the competition have increased their share of chip and hardware technologies. The ministry is promoting the use of artificial intelligence in robotics by improving the capabilities of environmental exploration, motion control and machine-human interaction. It also aims to have humanoid robots perform various tasks instead of humans. US companies such as Tesla and Boston Dynamics are leading the way, but China wants to change the balance. China aims to have human-like robots thinking, learning and innovating by 2027, and plans to build a robust supply chain to support the production of this technology.

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