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President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the new branch of IT-Park

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
21 August 2024 01:24
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the new branch of IT-Park

In recent years, the field of information technologies has been developing rapidly in Uzbekistan. Seven years ago, only 147 IT companies were operating in the country, and today this number is more than 2 thousand. In these companies, 30,000 people are provided with high-paying jobs, and more than 70,000 young people are independently engaged in IT.

In the "Uzbekistan-2030" strategy, it is planned to increase the volume of exports in this field to 5 billion dollars and provide employment to 300 thousand young people. Construction of IT-towns has also started in remote regions.

In particular, the number of IT-Park residents in Karakalpakstan increased three times compared to last year and reached 108. 310 specialists were employed by these companies. In the first half of 2024, the volume of services increased 2.4 times, and the volume of exports increased 1.7 times.

25,000 youth and civil servants have been trained and improved their skills by educational residents. Within the framework of the "One Million Programmers" project, 18,000 young people were trained through the online platform in 2023, and this number reached 29,000 in 2024. More than 33,000 young people are planned to be trained this year.

These results are indicative of the conditions created. During his visit to the region in 2021, the head of state ordered the construction of a new building for the IT-Park. In accordance with this instruction, a 17-story modern building was built in the center of Nukus. IT training and coworking centers, offices, conference hall and service rooms are available here. Also, IT-Park residents, investors operating in the field and foreign outsourcing companies will be accommodated in the building.

The relocation of the IT-Park, which was previously opened in a two-story building to a modern complex, indicates the breadth of the plans.

The President was informed about the works done in the building, achievements in the field and future plans.

For example, Beknazar Abdikamalov from Karakalpakstan, who used to work for the US Amazon company, returned to his homeland and attracted 4 million dollars in investment for his HUPO startup. The head of state talked with him and supported his initiatives.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with IT-Park residents and experts working in the field of information technologies. He listened to the opinions of young people and gave relevant tasks to support their proposals.

- If we implement start-ups in this field, productivity will increase in both fields, state expenses will decrease, and new jobs will be created for young people, - said the President.

A branch of the UZINFOCOM center is also located in the building. The center will train the youth of the region in modern professions through the uStudy program. Personnel with increased experience will be employed in modern companies in their fields.

The President emphasized the importance of building such multi-storey buildings for IT-Parks in all regions on the basis of public-private partnership.

- These buildings should have such an environment where young people feel free. Food, recreation, sports and other services should be concentrated in these buildings. Buildings should be located in the center of cities, in places convenient for young people, the head of state added.

Accordingly, instructions have been given to connect this IT-Park with schools in the regions of Karakalpakstan and to train young people interested in the field and provide them with high-paying jobs in the future.

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