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Retrenchments have started again in the world of technology

Cəmil Hüseynzadə
10 January 2024 12:55
Retrenchments have started again in the world of technology

Layoffs continue around the world. Many companies have already continued to do so. As a continuation of the dismissals of the previous years, the current process has become more massive. Many large companies are currently making massive layoffs.
Unity has announced that it will lay off 25% of its employees. The company said that more than 1,800 employees will be affected by this process.
"We are reducing the number of jobs we do to focus on our core business and increase our long-term success and profitability," CEO Jim Whitehurst said in an email to all Unity employees.
Duolingo will also lay off 10% of its employees.
Today, Twitch announced that 35% of its employees will be specialized. In this process, 500 people will be laid off. In March 2023, the company had already laid off 400 workers.
It is expected that layoffs will continue and other companies will also qualify their employees. Top managers are believed to be among the layoffs.

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